"We are the First..."
Our products relieve pain while soothing active nerve activity.
FibroGenix Philosophy
Chronic pain is debilitating and experienced differently per patient. For those undiagnosed with an underlying disease, finding working remedies for symptom relief is a challege by both doctor and patient. Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes muscle pain and fatigue (feeling tired). It can co-exist with any condition including forms of arthritis. There are existing products for arthritis and muscle pain, but none for this type of chronic pain experience which combines myofacial and trigger points. We believe that companies should focus on otc product development for daily hypersensitive pain and symptoms caused by any disease/ illness, including depression and anxiety, repetitive motion, and streneous activity. The need for rest and stress management is often overlooked
FibroGenix Passion
FibroGenix was founded by a chronic pain sufferer living with painful medical conditions. This line of products is the result of research and surveys of other chronic pain condition patients. Ingredients in our products, supplements, teas, and oils are proven natural care from information supplied by the Mayo Clinic, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, private physicians and testing. Fibromyalgia may be the first diagnosis years before the true cause of pain is discovered, whether it be digenerative disk, emotional, pulmonary, even cancer, the pain, depression, and anxiety experienced on a daily basis are the same. Chronic pain sufferers are entitled to continuous support, therapies, and an overall better quality of life. No more silence.
FibroGenix Vision
The vision of FibroGenix includes natural therapies and a larger cause to ease the quality of life experienced by chronic pain sufferers. As our company grows we will continue to use research based on science and medicine, not social trends. We promote physical therapy, wellness and balanced mental health to promote global awareness about Life with Chronic Pain. We want voices to be heard around the world beyond the scope of the original Diamond Dolls project established in 2010 for both physical and emotional wellness and wellbeing of all individuals. The more we grow the awareness, the more attention doctors will give to patients for faster diagnosis results, better treatment, better communication, and more funding for research. There are thousands of individuals losing hope everyday that need to be heard and presented better ways to cope and thrive.
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Therapeudic Care Consultant
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Learn more about what our company has to offer for self-motivated individuals who are passionate about helping others live with chronic pain.
Therapeudic Care Consultants are provided resources and tools to succeed. Call 478-935-9929.
"I have been in pain for years, until the time came to nurture myself inside and out. My pain started out simple in my mid-twenties and cost me more losses by my mid-thirties than the conditions causing the pain. No one wants this journey, this battle we face closed off in our homes. I wanted to go outside with my friends, I wanted to be free. I grew tired of the joint pain, migraines, abdominal pain, even the pain of fatigue. I became tired of being judged; I became tired of vocalizing as much as I could to those who could not understand. I grew angry of being given more prescription medications for side effects of other prescriptions. When I am dreaming, I am in my old body, but then I wake, the nightmare continued. I missed myself, the active one who could walk for hours on a sunny day. Everything is cold like metal and painful to touch, what does a hug feel like without the spikes? The burning and tingles I cannot explain, the foggy of my brain feels like a cloud under the back of my my eyeballs inside my head.
Everyone experiences pain differently. I'd gladly trade a simple sprained muscle over my overall pain. It took time to recognize that I was in a vicious cycle of both physical and emotional pain with grief. I refused to let any doctor tell me that depression was the cause, no my pain was the cause of my detachment. I started making progress by other means, intelligence. My body was severely weakened, but my brain just needed to focus, study, and learn. I sought physical therapy, asked my doctors about other ways, and I reached out to others like myself living in pain to become a part of the solution to a problem often faced in isolation. There may never be a medication or surgery for a permanent cure to some conditions, this is the truth of an individual living with chronic pain. The relief of natural care and therapy grants me far less pain, less medicine, peace, rest, and productivity. I am no longer trapped in the grief cycle. I now manage a healthier life dictated by me, not my conditions. I am free to pursue happiness like any normal individual and entitled to the best quality of life I can attain."
J. Hoskins, Founder of Diamond Dolls FibroGenix, Hoskins Agency
Special Thanks- Mayo Clinic Jacksonville FL, Macon Medical Clinic Dr. M. Rahman, Internal Medicine, Friends and Family, "Marsha" Chronic Pain Info on Facebook, N. Hoskins Laboratory Scientist Wake Med, NC, and all supporters of this project online and offlne for sharing your experiences, participating in product testing, and information. This mission is dedicated to my father, my grandmother (deceased) and others like us.